Education and training are one of the essential driving forces for a country’s economic, social and cultural development. As an essential and vital component of education, A/TVET plays a significant role in the social and economic transformation of the country and the society at large. It equips trainees with the technical and entrepreneurial skills which can help them to join the world of work.
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has been making strides towards transforming the national economy from predominantly agricultural to industrialized economy. The Ethiopian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system was therefore created for supplying the growing industrial sector, especially the manufacturing sector, with adequately skilled manpower.
The national TVET strategy stipulates that the competitiveness of the industries will be successful when they get a competent workforce, appropriate technology and proper infrastructures. The competent workforce particularly at the middle level is produced through the win-win cooperation of the TVET and industry sector.
Mizan Agricultural TVET is one of the pioneer’s agricultural TVET Colleges that was established in 2002 in Ethiopia for providing educational services [teaching and learning, research, community services and technology adaptation and transfer] has been diligently delivering quality training from level I to IV. The vision of Mizan Agricultural TVET is to become a technologically transformed Center of Excellence in Coffee, Tea and Spices production and processing in 2030. The college is aggressively working to create a learning community in which students at all levels, and teaching staff, could be engaged in pursuit of knowledge across and between a broad range of disciplines in three departments with the focus areas of Animal science, Plant Science and natural resources management. It offers students a wide range of courses and programs, through its innovative and flexible new learning environment.
The College offers level based and specialization programs, as well as short term training programs in various disciplines to the community. Mizan Agricultural TVET College offers three level based Programs, three specialization, and 20 short term training programs.
Mizan Agricultural TVE College has accreditations from MoE (Ministry of Education) for all the programs it offers. It is committed to advancing various disciplines through training, knowledge generation and service delivery in the country and beyond. Mizan Agricultural TVE College has recorded enormous remarkable achievements and appreciation certificates in the past 15 years. Mizan Agricultural TVET College has strong linkage and cooperation with 3 international partners and more than seven public and private institutions and/or universities in the areas of student mobility, staff exchange, scholarship, training, research, and community services.
Recently, Mizan Agricultural TVET College has got the 2nd rank among Ethiopian Agricultural TVET colleges. Mizan Agricultural TVET College also has graduated thousands of competent professionals in various fields, programs; and as a result, has contributed its share to the development endeavors of the nation through aligning its overall operations with the country’s strategic plan and educational road map. We are always committed to satisfy the interest of our customers; and we are very flexible to the needs of the labor market and the industry, and also smoothly getting internet access through its well organized wired and wireless network. The educational activities of the college are directed towards providing quality education to produce competent graduates.

Message to AV Dean
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