Animal Science department was established in 2002 as per the government demand for the purpose of producing a development agent in animal science, while as a strategy placement of three development agents per Kebele level to contribute their share on achieving agricultural production and productivity in the country.
The Animal Science department from 2002 to 2011 registered 802 trainees and 715 trainees have been graduated by input based training diploma program in Animal Science. The input based three years fall residency diploma program has phased out in 2011 for the reason of new government policy. The program has changed to a newly developed outcome based training program starting from 2012. Since 2012 about 1081 were registered and 816 trainees have been graduated by outcome based training in Animal Science. The department also provides extension and continuing education since 2012 and about 511 students have graduated.
The department initiative is trainee’s having knowledge, skills and the right attitude which make them competent in the real world and prepare students for productive and satisfying careers in animal production, and the diverse areas of animal business and industry.
Department Facilities
The department has the necessary resources and facilities, which have been acquired through the course of its existence. The existing resources have farms, workshops, teaching, and learning materials or facilities. The department runs and supports six operational animal farms namely: dairy, apiculture, sheep and goat, forage, poultry and fish farms, collaboration with Technology multiplication and transfer office used as tools for practical training.
Training in Animal Science Department
The department has been providing practical and theoretical training for both regular and extension program trainees. Perform different technologies and research activities in Animal science disciplines and disseminate the findings to the community. Some of the effective adopted, multiplied and transferring agricultural technology with collaboration of technology office includes different varieties of animal forage, Bull services, artificial insemination, day old chicken, improved sheeps and heifers.
The department provided short term training for farmers and enterprises in the following disciplines.
- Dairy production
- Poultry production
- Beekeeping /Apiculture
- Fish production
- Beef production
- Artificial insemination
- Animal Feed preservation
- Animal vaccination and control
- Sheep and goat production
- Silkworm production
Animal science department of Mizan Agricultural TVET College invites you to get to know our outstanding staff and current trainees to become familiar with our programs. Our department programs integrate science, practice, and innovation to serve the immediate needs of livestock industries.
Department of Animal Science Staff Profile

Message Us
You can reach to the department here.
Department Contact
Department Head Contact Person and Address
Name: Baisa Sirna,
Post: Department Head
Location: Room No.
Tel: +251-
Email: ansc@mizan-atvet.edu.et