Agriculture is the predominant sector to Ethiopia 's economy. It contributes a major share of employment, labor force, foreign exchange and takes a lion share of livelihood share. Agriculture is eleven times more effective in reducing poverty than GDP growth in any other sectors (SDSN, 2013). Food security through increased agricultural yield has been a priority for many countries in the region and policies mainly focus on improving agricultural productivity through the provision of inputs, technology and extension services. Agriculture is the mainstay of the Ethiopian population and a key sector of the country’s economy. The country’s future development strategy also focuses on the efficient and effective mobilization and utilization of agricultural resources. To bring this in to effect, complementing the farming with research outputs in terms of innovation and scientific way of doing things are highly expected.
Taking this mission into account, Mizan Agricultural TVET College as a College was established in 2002 with three departments: Animal Sciences, Natural Resource Management and Plant Science. Currently, teaching learning activities are being undertaken in regular, extension, summer and specialization programs.
The focus areas prioritized by the College its differential are agricultural training, research, adoption and transfer of agricultural technology and community service. Consistent with this, Mizan Agricultural TVET College has prepared its 10-year strategic plan and its strategic plan set as the College aspires to be a center of excellence in Coffee, Tea and Spice in Southwest Ethiopia by 2030.
To perform as per the expectation, the College is working with selected focus areas of coffee, tea and spice production and processing, dairy production and processing, poultry production and processing, feed production and processing, fishery and aquaculture, soil health and natural resource management and crop improvement, production and processing of (Maize, Common Bean, Papaya, Banana, Mango, Avocado and Pineapple).
As part of addressing its corporate social responsibility, Mizan Agricultural TVET College has been working on helping the low-income community through providing scholarships and direct financial support for People with various impairments and disabilities.
Vision and Mission
Core Values
- Provide training based on labor market demands
- Innovation
- Good governance
- Solidarity and Teamwork
- Respect diversity
- Strive to change
- Care for Staff
- Faithful to professional ethics
- Sustainability

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